Ратушняк и Партнеры Tel: +38(044)227-16-81
Fax: +38(044) 586-46-59
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Practice areas

str Agro Business and Agriculture
str Antitrust and Competition
str Banking and Finance
str Bankruptcy
str Construction and Reconstruction
str Contracts
str Copyright and Intellectual Property
str Corporate Law and Corporate Finance
str Corporate Reorganizations
str Currency and Monetary Regulation
str Debt Collection
str Family Law and Inheritance
str Foreign Investments
str Foreign Trade and Customs Regulation
str Insurance
str International Commercial Law
str Labour & Employment
str Land Tenure
str Merges and Acquisitions
str Property and Real Estate
str Taxation
str Trade and Distribution

Employment contracts drafting

Experts of «ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS» provide services as to entering into and termination of employment contracts.

Consulting services on hiring employees

Hiring an employee isn’t limited toHR documents, and hides lots of legal nuances. What are the legal effects of hiring disabled, minors, pregnant women, students, schools, etc.? What if an employee is supposed to work under arduous/harmful conditions? How to know if an employee is liable to certain activities or position and howto get proper confirmation? How to secure from complications of «wrong» dismissalof an employee? Is it possible to avoid difficulties with quit of employee from his previous job?

These questions arise during the execution of employment. Proper answers require professional legal assistance.

Employment contracts

Employment contract clearly regulates rights and obligations of the parties, and is a reliable guarantee in the event of any disputes. Employers tend to sign written labor contracts with ordinary employees, the same as with top-managers. Special mention should be given to the provisions ofthe temporary labor contracts, which have a special regulation.Such types of contracts can be concluded only in defined casesand be legally justified. Besides, renegotiation of a fixed – term contract leads to consider it as a permanent. Experts of “ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” provide development of employment contracts for Ukrainian and foreign companies and provide reasonable advice on issues, which appears in process of conclusion of employment agreement as well.

Foreigners and eupatrids work

Most of our loyal clients are companies with foreign investments, where necessity in formalization of foreign workoften appears, that is why our experts circumstantially know the arrangement of labor of foreign citizen and are able to carry out complex procedures or provide expert advice on specific aspects.

Payment, bonuses, allocations

Labor legislation provides different system of payment for work. Certain kinds of work(i.e., on the difficult works or night work) is the subject to special conditions. Payment for dual jobholder, minors have their specifics. System of benefits is another important subject.

Legislation fixes administrative and criminal liability for violation of the terms of payment of wages.The improper organization of process and other mistakes leads to these violation. Experts of «ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS» provide juridical support of such questions.

Labor Norming

Statutory provision limit the duration of working time. This duration cannot result of 40 hours a day. Specific legislative restrictions there are regarding to minors, workers under harmful working conditions etc.

Overwork is acceptable only in specific cases. Some categories of workers are prohibited for overwork (article 63 of the Labor Code of Ukraine). Systematic or gross violation of labor law can lead to penalty of three months’ salary to the employer.

“ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS" provide services for employer to prevent violations of the law in terms of labor norming, and to assess the risks and minimize the negative consequences.

Taxation issues

Obvious that wages in Ukraine are taxable. Most questions related with taxation of wages and another payment of workers can regulated by book-keepers or/and personal department of enterprises,but sometimes difficult shades appear.

Experts of “ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” provide juridical consultation for taxation questions which related to labor payment.

In purely accounting issues our partners from the auditing companycan provide consultation and/or support.

Using of the company’s property (vehicles, accommodation, etc.)

Usethe official property (mobile phone, notebooks, cars, flats etc.) is often provided by the company. But there are ranks of limits: the financial duties to the property, taxation etc.

Experts of “ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” can not only give consultation but provide services of preparing documents (contracts, post description and etc.)

Official business trips

Official business trips of employeesblurredly regulated by law. Anyway there are certain limits for compensation and some taxation aspects. “ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” can help you to clarify such issues.

Substantial change of working conditions

The Labor legislation limits the right of employer for the substantial change of working conditions.Such changing is possible when:

  1. they related with production process;
  2. with mandatory notification of the employee not less than two months before.

Termination of labor contract

Native legislation provides minimum 30 formations, when labor contact can be terminated by employer. But if employee does want to work, it`s pretty difficult to dismiss him. Termination under the agreement of the parties is another good optionto stop labor relations. Experts of “ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” can consult the bestway to terminate labor contracts.

Liability of employee

Labor legislation of Ukraine provides disciplinary liability and material liability. There are many legislative limits and restriction concerning imposition of penalties to an employee. Our experts can provide you advice for the different aspects of conduct impositions.

Feel free to contact us: 044-227-16-81(82) or write an e-mail if any further questions.


str Claims drafting and judicial remedy
str Construction & development contracts
str Contracts development & legal expertise
str Courts representation &judicial remedy
str Employment contracts drafting
str Employment permits for foreigners
str Establishment of companies and enterprises
str Joint ventures and companies registration (set up)
str Legal outsourcing and outstaffing
str Licenses and permits obtaining
str Real estate and land transactions
str Registration of trademarks
str Reorganization and liquidation
str Representative offices of nonresident registration
str Tax consulting & tax planning
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Ukraine 03150, г.Киев, ул. Ямская, 72 | тел.: +38(044)227-16-81 | факс: +38(044) 586-46-59

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