Ратушняк и Партнеры Tel: +38(044)227-16-81
Fax: +38(044) 586-46-59
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Practice areas

str Agro Business and Agriculture
str Antitrust and Competition
str Banking and Finance
str Bankruptcy
str Construction and Reconstruction
str Contracts
str Copyright and Intellectual Property
str Corporate Law and Corporate Finance
str Corporate Reorganizations
str Currency and Monetary Regulation
str Debt Collection
str Family Law and Inheritance
str Foreign Investments
str Foreign Trade and Customs Regulation
str Insurance
str International Commercial Law
str Labour & Employment
str Land Tenure
str Merges and Acquisitions
str Property and Real Estate
str Taxation
str Trade and Distribution

Main page

 „ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” is a team of professionals which has a wide experience in providing legal services in varying projects.

 „ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” concentrates its activity on granting of professional legal services to the Ukrainian and foreign companies.

 We grant high-quality legal services, provide  support for our clients in their activity and pass of effective decisions. Our legal practice is directed on clients needs and requirements.

 „ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” renders a wide range of services, starting from hiring employees, opening and registration of enterprises and companies to developing and realization of agreements in international trade, investments, construction and industry.


str Claims drafting and judicial remedy
str Construction & development contracts
str Contracts development & legal expertise
str Courts representation &judicial remedy
str Employment contracts drafting
str Employment permits for foreigners
str Establishment of companies and enterprises
str Joint ventures and companies registration (set up)
str Legal outsourcing and outstaffing
str Licenses and permits obtaining
str Real estate and land transactions
str Registration of trademarks
str Reorganization and liquidation
str Representative offices of nonresident registration
str Tax consulting & tax planning
Main | About us | Our clients | News & Events | Publications | Our practice | Projects | Careers | Site map | Contact us

Ukraine 03150, г.Киев, ул. Ямская, 72 | тел.: +38(044)227-16-81 | факс: +38(044) 586-46-59

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